Friday 9 October 2015

ways social media will change the way we learn and live

Traditional communication as we know it is becoming extinct and the companies who will rule their industries in the future are those who embrace the latest developments in digital communication.
Most people don’t see big changes coming. What they see is a continuation of recent developments. But that’s not the case with technologies of the 21st century. An extrapolation of Moore’s law show that computing power doubles every two years.
Technology improves geometrically while our brains see things linearly. Technically, at best, we may be myopic when forecasting where social media will be some 10 years from now.

Here are five things that will probably change about how we learn and live based on the social media revolution in as little as ten yearsfrom now.
1. Collaborative learning:
Education is one of the fields that will likely be influenced most by social media. The logical extension of traditional learning is learning on social media via direct chat with lecturers and group chats where several students can communicate with one another and with their lecturer. They will communicate in real time. This collaboration will make learning fun and easy to cope with.
Soon, it may be possible to network several minds together using a technology called mindplexing and learning will just be about ensuring one of the persons in the network learns the subject matter. Other minds in the network will be updated with the new information.
2. Accelerated learning: I think 80 percent of all the needed materials on a course or subject is now available on the internet.
What people study for four years in a university is now a few clicksaway. The only need for lecturers in the future may be about offeringguidance to students. Self study can enable a student complete hisundergraduate degree in as little as a year in the future.
3. Virtual reality: most active users of Facebook don’t feel the
presence of the person they are chatting with. That will change in the future. Virtual reality will allow someone in Nigeria to go on a date with someone is Japan in a virtual environment. They will meet, exchange greetings and move around from the comfort of their homes.
Virtual reality will make online learning more meaningful and productive. It will be possible to attend all lectures in a virtual environment.
4. Decision making: unknown to some persons, the first thing people do when they want to know about you is to check your full names on Google. The next place they check is Facebook.
A recent research revealed that 25 percent of college admissions officers consider digital footprints. 75 percent of human resource managers check candidate’s online presence on google and social media.
35 percent of employers reject candidates based on something found in their profile.
5. Digital media capital: Facebook is working on making everybody on earth have access to internet and Facebook by the year 2020. Once thatis achieved, employers will find probably look for people with strongsocial media credibility and authority as against intellectualabilities alone when considering prospects for some departments.

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