Saturday, 8 August 2015

What Is Google Author Rank And Authorship?

Google author rank is most likely another latest algorithm (just like PageRank) yet to be released by Google. According to Google, the Author Rank mechanism is going to be used to rank every website's online identity in their search engine results based on the credibility of the owner. The Author Rank technology will allow Google to check the online credibility of websites and then reward them with a better SERPs.
Author Rank technology

So what is Google Author Rank?
Google author rank system is the process of gathering information of a website's real presence and how they interact on social networks with their readers. An interactive webpage is considered of most importance to people search for solutions to their problems than a static webpage that doesn't interact with users.
And the best way for Google to measure and get the statistics of your website's online presence is through Social Networking. That is why they purposely rolled out the Google plus networking site early last year. 

Are you using the most out of your Google plus, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter to interact with your blog users? If you are not doing it, this is the right time to jump on the bandwagon and keep your site visible on the web when the Author Rank algorithm is released.

How to Improve your Google Author Ranking.

1. Create Authorship:
First of all, you will need to create your authorship by linking your author identity with your blog content which will allow Google to give you an initial author rank. To do this, you must need to have a Google Plus account. Read this post to learn How to add author identity to your site.

2. Engaging in Social Networking Sites:
Always try to keep your post engaging on social networking sites like twitter, Google plus, Facebook etc It is good to post a reasonable topic and tag your friends, ask them to share your post with their friends to increase impression. By so doing, you will increase your authority ranking on Google quickly.
Read my post on How to auto share your blog post on Google and Twitter.

3. Guest blogging with the original post:
Back linking from other reputable sites to your site will encourage Google to index your site quickly. It also helps to improve your rank authorship too as your author is link with your blog. So write enough guest post and submit to reputable blogs on your niche. Read my post on Where to submit guest post for relevant backlinks

4. Frequent posting:
Off course we all know frequent posting and updating your blog is one measure we don't have to ignore here. It's importance counts with regards to author ranking of your blog. So try to post at least once a day.

5. Accepting readers comments:
Comments made on your blog post has a significant positive effect on your blog authority and it increases it value. The more comments you receive on a particular post makes Google to believe that such post is engaging hence very important. But be mindful of the types of comments you accept on your blog. Reject any spam comments trying to get backlinks from your post. Accept comments from good reputed authors who already have a high rank than you.

6. Your Blog PageRank: 
As the pagerank of your blog increases, your author rank also increases because your blog is linked directly to Google authorship. A good PR helps Google to index your blog in their search engines quickly. So do not stop building your blog pagerank.

The above tricks are just few ways that can boost your blog author ranking when the technology is rolled out in future. So it will be a wise decision to start practicing it now. Why not hook with my blog for an updates on more ways to improve your author ranking.
You can follow me on Google+ here  and plus one my post if you think i deserve it. i will really appreciate.

I hope this info helps? feel free to share this post with your friends using the like/share buttons. you can also subscribe to my blog below for more tips delivered to your inbox. Thank you.

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