Saturday, 8 August 2015

New iPad Review: What few purchasers dislike about the new iPad

Some few days after Apple commence sales of the new iPad, Some reports suggest that, there are plenty of new iPads still in stores. Does that means the new product isn't selling so well? Or does it means Apple made a few more, just in case? No i suggest people are complaining bitterly about the new iPad. The global appetite for the new iPad has diminished simply for some few reasons. Most people are really going nut about the new ipad because it seems to fall below expectations as alleged. It is very true that every review of a new product to be release is overwhelmingly positive just like the release of the new ipad

After the sales of the new ipad some few days back, a lot of people are currently expressing disapproval of the device. Most people said it is not so special as the review says it should be. No wonder the name the new ipad instead of ipad 3 which should have been a bit different from the ipad 2. If you have an iPad 2, then i think no need for an upgrade because there are still no much differences. A lot of purchasers had complain that there isn’t much difference between the two device. You should instead buy the ipad 2 and save money. 

What every one disliked about the new ipad are stated below.
  • The new iPad is said to take a bit longer time to charge. 
According to MG Siegler of TechCrunchsays "the new iPad takes a bit longer to charge, it takes a several hours so you will just have to charge it overnight, it takes longer because Apple needed a bigger battery to support the fancy new screen" Retina display. He also complain that, the new ipad does get noticeably warm in the lower left corner after prolonged use. Its never hot just warm. He thinks maybe it has something to do with the 4G wireless connection or the new battery, he hadn’t experience it with other ipad, because of the new battery, although heating up isn't the only problem with the new ipad battery.
  • Thickness
The new ipad is one millimeter thicker and 1.8 ounces heavier than the ipad 2 so there is a very slight difference, but fingers used to handling the old ipad will definitely feel it and that’s too bad.
As great as the ipad new screen is, there is a fundamental flaw, Apple has not fixed one thing like all glossy, LCD color displays, this one still does poorly in direct sunlight. 
  • The Placement of the headphone jack:
The placement of the headphone jack is also a flaw, Josh Topolsky at the vergesays "i am sure there are many reasons Apple choose to put the 3.5mm port in the upper left hand corner of the device, but I feel it would have been better or make more sense on the bottom of the device". 

That’s it about the small stuff otherwise every one loves the new ipad especially the screen, but most reviewers thinks the iPad 2 is as good as the new ipad, the most stinging criticism from David Pogue was that, the new ipad doesn’t introduce anything that we haven’t seen before either on the iPhone or in rival tablets. 

As there is no Steve Job, i doubt a new invention. Apple just took it white hot ipad and added the latest screen display, battery and cellular technologies to make an upgrade. 

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