Tuesday, 11 August 2015

Don't Give Your ATM Card To Anybody | See The Reasons Here

As technology advance in this 21st century, the more people device ways to steal others hard earn money both online and offline. Reasons why you shouldn’t give anybody your ATM and PIN to withdraw money for you at the Automated Teller Machine.

Credit card

There are a handful of reasons why you shouldn't give anyone your ATM card to withdraw money for you but we just listed few consequences that might result to non compliance. They are as follows:

1. Shopping Online: 

Your ATM details including the PIN can easily be used to shop online from anyplace in the country. The 16 digit at the front of your ATM card and that 3 or 4 digit number at the back of any ATM debit or credit card are very important and are supposed to be kept undisclosed. With this details PIN, 3 digit and 16 digits on your ATM, your fund can be used to purchase any item on the internet. ask internet marketers.

2. Clone Cards:

Payoneer master card owners always fall victim to clone cards. If anybody get hold of your card, they can easily get all the details of the card and clone it exactly. The cloned cards can then be used to withdraw your money from any part of the world. My payoneer funds was withdrawn from a place in China using a clone card one time ago. I reported the issue to payoneer and they had to disable the card and issue me another one.

3. Scam Jobs or Websites:

If you give your card to somebody that is knowledgeable about internet stuff, he can easily use your card details to sign up on websites like domain registrar, website hosting or some tutorial website that involves subscription.

While these websites keeps sucking the hell out of your money monthly without your knowledge. In other not to fall victim of this, then don’t ever give anybody your ATM card or the details of your ATM card should be kept secret and don’t expose it to prying eyes.

Even the details of your card without the 4 digit secret PIN number is dangerous. So take caution. I hope this info helps?

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